Sweet And Crumby

Baking, a Love Story


A Roasted Grape is a Beautiful Thing: Sauteed Chicken in Roasted Grape Sauce with Cinnamon Steeped Couscous

I know this recipe for Roasted Grapes with Pureed Grape Sauce Over Chicken is not new news. It’s from Rozanne Gold’s “Radically Simple”, and was posted in the NY Times in 2010, but it’s new to me and roasting grapes is totally new to me. Let me tell you, once you have roasted a grape you will wonder why you have never done it before.

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A Roasted Grape is a Beautiful Thing: Sauteed Chicken in Roasted Grape Sauce with Cinnamon Steeped Couscous

I know this recipe for Roasted Grapes with Pureed Grape Sauce Over Chicken is not new news. It’s from Rozanne Gold’s “Radically Simple”, and was posted in the NY Times in 2010, but it’s new to me and roasting grapes is totally new to me. Let me tell you, once you have roasted a grape you will wonder why you have never done it before.

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