Sweet And Crumby

Baking, a Love Story


A Peanut Butter Devil’s Food Cupcake Kissed with Melted Chocolate


When life is crazy…sometimes the only sane thing to do is eat chocolate.

And when hurricanes battle down an entire side of the country, when earthquakes have taken the ground from underneath us, and when there is no way to right the wrongs across the globe that mount in my head, sometimes I just need a diversion.

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A Roasted Grape is a Beautiful Thing: Sauteed Chicken in Roasted Grape Sauce with Cinnamon Steeped Couscous

I know this recipe for Roasted Grapes with Pureed Grape Sauce Over Chicken is not new news. It’s from Rozanne Gold’s “Radically Simple”, and was posted in the NY Times in 2010, but it’s new to me and roasting grapes is totally new to me. Let me tell you, once you have roasted a grape you will wonder why you have never done it before.

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Wild-Caught, Healthy, Oven Friendly (Grilled) Salmon with Creamy Herbed Yogurt Sauce

If you are the main provider of a home cooked meal at your house then you know what I’m talkin’ about when I dream of a magic fairy who could flit by daily and drop dinner off that would please the fam, stay on budget, be creative and healthful and aim towards ingredients that are local, seasonal and preferably organic (Oh…and sustainable…and DELICIOUS).  Then I would be one very happy camper and perhaps just a bit less cranky.

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Banana Cream Pie: The Cure to the End of Summer Blues

End of summer?!!! Say it ain’t so. Yes, I know technically speaking, we have a few weeks to go before the summer ends, but while some of your are still basking or sweating in the dog days of summer, my kids have just sulkily dragged their heels to school this week; frowns on their faces, backpacks weighing them down as a literal weight has been placed on their shoulders.

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A Smokin’ Pink Pizza

It’s funny but most of my outings, even when totally directed at something other than food, leave a food imprint on my memory.

Every year I go to the Pasadena Showcase House of Design to tour a multimillion dollar mansion, gawk at the over-the-top rooms that each designer showcased, hang out with my mom and eat a light dinner at the on-site catering provided by a local restaurant. Continue reading